"Live components" will be renamed "Loop components" in early 2022. How to use them?

On this blog post, I will show you how to use the new Live components that will be renamed Loop components in early 2022 in Teams chat or in a meeting.
What are they ? They are components that you can edit with your crew at the same time and watch when others add their own ideas.
I’ll go step by step, each one of them and tell what you can do with them.

Here you can see all the components. Left side is for the chat and right is for meeting chat. They have all the same components.
Let’s see how they look like.

Here is the Bulleted list component. (I’ll go through the settings and all that stuff at the end).

Here is the checklist. Someone has already marked the Checklist2 as done.

And here is the Numbered list, as you can see they kind of look alike.

Here is the Paragraph published.

And here is Table. Yes, you can create 10x10 tables and you can edit them, etc. You can, for example, make your own schedule.

Here is the table when you edit it.

As you can see, you can edit, move or delete those tables however you want.

And here it is ready, my test table. Of course you and everyone you give rights, can edit it afterwards also.

Last but not least, is the Task list. You can give tasks to people even with Due dates. (Where do we need the To Do app anymore?).

And of course, what can you do with your components. When you rightclick on the title you can Reply, Delete etc.

On the upper right corner, you can see who has edited and when, who has access and you can copy the link to your component. Yes, you can find these on your Onedrive when you create them in chat.

You can Refresh content, if you haven’t used some component for a while.

You can choose who can edit your components (loops.) Link settings are the same ones that are in Onedrive.

Give it a go. They are a new concept and not everyone is not familiar with them, but they are going to take over Office 365. At first, when I saw them, I was thinking what the **** are those, but now I like them.

Logos etc, are not the final versions, but you can test these right now if you want to. They are public. Trust me, it’s easy.

But that’s it for now. I’m going to write more about these live components (Loops) in 2022. But now it’s time to relax and enjoy Christmas and New Year. Merry Christmas and Happy Nwe Year to all.

If you want to read more about Microsoft Loop, click here: Live-components-in-teams


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