Teams basics pt. 2 - Creating Teams & Channels


This looks pretty empty, doesn’t it? Teams is without teams, so let’s get into it, let’s make some teams.


First, of course, you need to choose your team type, and in this case, it’s Class.


The next step is, of course, to give a proper name and description for it. (Description is optional.) In your school, make sure that everyone knows the best way to name these teams and channels so that they are easy to find after one year, two years etc.


After you have created your team, it’s time to add the students and teachers. Just start to type in their e-mail and the names will pop up. You can skip this part if you want. (If you skip this part, you can customize the channel or the team in private before you add them.)


Here is a printscreen where my students and a teacher is added to this team.


What about the channels? It’s pretty much same as the team creating. But let’s get into it. First, go to your teams 3 dot menu and there, find section “Add channel.”


And then it’s almost the same process as in creating teams. But you will have to choose privacy for your channel. You can choose 2 different types of privacy (In December 2021 there will be a 3rd one, Shared channel) private, and public.


The public channel is for everyone, and the private channel is, of course, only for those who you choose.

Here is an image of one team “Education Team 2021-2022” and 2 channels “Education Team Private Channel and public.”

The students who we added here earlier, arlready have access here. But of course you can add students and teachers afterwards. Now our team and channels are ready, the next step is to customize it. But that is a topic for another blogpost. See ya. o/


Teams basics pt. 3 - Managing teams and channels


How to use the NEW Reading Progress in Teams!